3 Part Spec



A. All of the Contract Documents, including Drawings and general provisions
of the contract including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division

1 – General Requirements apply to the work of this Section.

1.02 – SUMMARY

A. Work Included: This Section specifies WE Cork Flooring, including the following:

  1. WE Cork Tile Flooring
  2. WE Cork Plank Flooring

B. Related Sections:
Other Specification Sections which directly relate to the work of this section include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Section 03300, Cast-In-Place Concrete; Concrete substrate to receive cork flooring
  2. Section 06100, Rough Carpentry; Plywood underlayment
  3. Section 09618, Cork Underlayment; Cork underlayment under ceramic tile, stone,
    or hardwood floors for sound control and stress crack protection
  4. Section 09900, Painting: Field finishing of unfinished material


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s printed product data, test
reports and installation instructions. Include materials, finishes,
required substrate preparation, adhesives, and accessories.

B. Samples: Submit representative samples of each material that is
to be exposed in the completed work. Show full color ranges and finish
variations expected.


A. Manufacturer: For each material type required for the work of this
section, provide primary materials which are the product of one manufacturer.
Provide secondary or accessory materials which are acceptable to the
manufacturers of the primary materials.

B. Mock-Up: Prior to commencing the primary work of this section,
provide a 3 ft. x 3 ft. mock-up of each WE Cork Flooring type for
approval. Remove and replace mock-up which is not approved. Approved
mock-up built in place may be incorporated into the finished work.


A. Deliver materials and products in factory labeled packages. Store
and handle in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions and
recommendations. Protect from damage from weather, excessive temperatures,
and construction operations.



A. Provide WE Cork Flooring manufactured by WE Cork, 16 Kingston Road, Unit 6, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833; Toll-free telephone 800-666-CORK;
Telephone 603-778-8558; Fax 603-778-7052.


A. Cork Tile Flooring: WE Cork Tile Flooring, conforming to the following:

  1. Tile Type: Provide WE Cork Tile Flooring of the following shade and finish:
    [LW (light waxed)] [MW (medium waxed)] [DW (dark waxed)] [LVM (light Greenshield™ finish)] [MVM (medium Greenshield™ finish)] [DVM (dark Greenshield™ finish)] [LU (light unfinished)] [MU (medium unfinished)] [DU (dark unfinished)]
  2. Size: [12 in. x 12 in. x 3/16 in. thick] [12 in. x 12 in. x 5/16 in. thick] [other dimensions and thicknesses available on special order]
  3. Edge: Square edge

B. Cork Plank Flooring: WE Cork Plank Flooring, conforming to the following:

  1. Type: Provide WE Cork Plank Flooring of the following shade and finish:
    [LW (light waxed)] [LVM (light Greenshield™ finish)] [MW (medium wax)]
    [MVM (medium Greenshield™ finish)]
  2. Size: [4 in. x 36 in. x 3/16 in. thick] [4 in. x 36 in. x 3/16 in. thick] [other dimensions and thicknesses available on special order]
  3. Edge: [Wax: Beveled edge] [Greenshield™: Square edge]

C. Material Properties:

  1. Binder: Urethane
  2. Density: Minimum 34 lb. per cubic foot
  3. Compression at 14,000 psi: 97 – 100%
  4. Immersion:
    1. Water at 212 degrees F., 3 hours: No disintegration
    2. ASTM – Oil #1 at 212 degrees F., 2 hours: No disintegration
    3. ASTM – Fuel #1 at Room Temperature – 10 days: No disintegration
    4. Hydrochloric Acid at Boiling, 1/2 hour: No disintegration
  5. Dimensional Changes, ASTM D 1770: Less than or equal to 0.5%
  6. Thermal Conductivity, ASTM C 177: “R” value of 2.6

D. Adhesives: Adhesive shall be equal to contact adhesive, Bostik’s Best, Dritac 6200, Franklin 811, 2071 Tuff-Lok X Link Wood Flooring Adhesive, Chemrex CX-941 as acceptable to cork flooring manufacturer.



A. Examine substrates and conditions where cork flooring will be installed. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.

B. Concrete Substrate: Subfloor shall be clean and dry, and within acceptable tolerances.

  1. Concrete: Test concrete for moisture using standard calcium chloride moisture test. Moisture content shall be less than 3.0 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. per 24 hour period.
  2. Porous and Absorbent Subfloors: Apply a primer or thin coat of adhesive on porous and absorbent subfloors to prevent adhesive from “disappearing” into the surface
  3. Fill cracks with latex floor filler

C. Plywood Substrate:
Subfloor shall be clean and dry, and within acceptable tolerances. Subfloor shall be a minimum of 18 in. above grade. Provide acceptable subfloor.

  1. Acceptable Underlayment: 1/4 in. APA Underlayment Grade Plywood, fastened to subfloor using 1-1/4 in. ring grooved or resin-coated nails, spaced every 6 in. o.c. in field and every 4 in. o.c. around perimeter
  2. Fill cracks with latex floor filler


A. Strictly comply with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.

  1. Floor materials shall acclimate for 72 hours in location of installation at a minimum temperature of 66 degrees F
  2. Unpack and inspect flooring materials for defects

B. Installation:
Install WE Cork Flooring square to the room or space.

  1. Lay adjoining tiles or planks following number sequence provided by the manufacturer. Ensure that joints and edges are butted firmly
  2. During and after installation frequently roll flooring with a 70 – 100 lb. roll


A. Do not wash floor for at least five days following installation.
B. Regular Cleaning: Vacuum and/or damp mop floor with a mild wood flooring
detergent or with a solution of one part white vinegar to four parts
C. Maintenance of Waxed WE Cork Flooring:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Treat waxed WE Cork Flooring with waxed finish with a good quality paste wax (i.e. Butcher wax) and buff
  2. Heavier Cleaning: Remove old wax and dirt with a power buffing machine using 00 steel
    wool disc or 150 to 180 grit sandpaper disc or nylon screen pad. Apply several coats of wax and buff between each coat with a lamb’s wool pad

D. Maintenance of Greenshield™ coated WE Cork Flooring:

  1. Where a more shiny appearance is desired, apply liquid polish and/or buff flooring. Do not use wax
  2. Refinishing: Remove old finish with a power buffing machine using 150 to 180 grit sandpaper or nylon screen pad. Apply polyurethane in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations

E. Protect flooring until acceptance.

© 2022 WE Cork – All Rights Reserved. A copyright license to reproduce this specification is hereby granted to non-manufacturing architects, specification writers, and designers.

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